I have some news...

Hi everyone! If you're new to my blog, welcome to Breakfast at Bridget's! To read my previous posts, just click on the link in the blog archive. Anyway, hi again! It's me (unfortunately) and today.....I have some news?

I'm afraid I'm experiencing severe writer's block but I have a plan, so don't worry - I'll return. It's okay, no need to cry. So the plan is, on Wednesday I shall post TTBBP (Triple Trouble Bubble Blog Post). I can't post tomorrow because I have test the next day and I don't want to fail it.

Okie dokie! Now that everything is clear and set here is a quick summary:

- I will not be posting today nor tomorrow
- On Wednesday I shall post  TTBBP

I apologise in advance for the inconvenience. PLEASE STAY LOYAL AND CONTINUE READING! I can't promise that this won't happen again. Probably trusting me, I'll be doing a QTBBP (Quadruple Trouble Bubble Blog Post). But let's hope that I won't reach that part.

Well that's all for today. Sorry again! Don't forget to follow me and keep updated on my posts that are no longer daily...just for these few days.


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"Do one thing everyday that scares you."
