Holiday season is hard to break
Hi everyone! If you're new to my blog, welcome to Breakfast at Bridget's! To read my previous posts, just click on the links in the blog archive. Anyway, hi again! It's me (unfortunately) and I don't know if you know, but I'm on holidays right now! And to say that it's been the best time of my life is an understatement.
past tense: inundated; past participle: inundated
- 1.overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with. couldn't get an better. Holidays is the best time. 2 weeks of maximum relaxation. No school, no homework, no stress and no disruptions. Perfect paradise. However, there's a hitch. For me anyway. My Mum is currently overseas leaving my sister and my Dad and me here. How fancy shmansy! So okay, Mum's gone, that's all right. But no it's not all right. The responsibilities that used to be my Mum's has been passed down. Down, down, down.
Imagine a hierarchy system, a triangle. My Mum is at the top, then it's my Dad, then it's my sister and finally at the bottom it's me. I'M THE PEASANT. Oh the joy. Well anyway, my sister and I now have to do the chores. (sniff sniff) I have to hang out the clothes, fold the clothes and
Because in a few days time, school term will begin. Back to work, back to LIFE. You gotta fix your gears, oil your machine and screw back on your brain. And I'll be experiencing the same thing everyday - my Mum taking years to get ready. (You can check out the post here) I'm still in the holiday mood and I don't want it to end. Holiday season is hard to break indeed. Hell, I'm going to die on the first day back.
Well, I'm off. I better enjoy frolicking around before Term 4 begins. And assessments begin! And the stress rolls in. *that rhymed* And I'm going to fail each and every one. Now, now, don't be so pessimistic and negative. You might only fail a few so don't worry that much!
Well that's all for today! Don't forget to follow me on Google+ (if you have it), share my blog with your friends and keep updated on my posts!
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"Failure is just a practice for success."
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