Are you mainstream?
At first, I didn't understand what that word meant when one of my friends mentioned it. The word sounded oddly familiar. In context, I could fathom parts of what my friend was saying but the word itself means something greater. Mainstream means something that is widely accepted by most people and regarded as normal or conventional. This may include beliefs, ideas, attitudes, or activities shared by most people. Simply to say, mainstream is what's the new trend.
The thing is, you don't realise you are flowing mainstream until...until you realise that you are. (wow Brianna that was the best explanation ever) Some choose to stay away and be alternative instead. The point is, do we conform ourselves just to be mainstream? Do we change our taste in things such as music? From personal experience, I get judged by others for my music taste. I like Asian, classical, instrumental and pop music. (i listen on Spotify - follow me! my username is "ukulelesnitch")
Classical/Instrumental: people think I'm weird
Asian: I'm too scared that others will see so I go on private session
Pop: people say that the songs I listen to are "old" and not "in" anymore
That's the story of my life...not literally. The same thing happens to me when it comes to current affairs such as products, clothing, reality shows and even celebrities. So whenever these topics come up, I slowly edge my way out and run. And I don't think that's very healthy for me. It's like I can't fit in because I'm not entirely flowing mainstream. I veer a bit. Every time I am mainstream, I hit a boulder that is in the middle of the water which sends me flying to another direction.
But of course I take into account that everybody has their own opinions, their own perspectives and they have the right to voice their thoughts, yet sometimes it does hurt. Though I may not show it, it does bruise the insides. If you are experiencing the same thing, you're not alone. Don't change for others. Jam your own way. You will enjoy life a lot more and appreciate the beauty of life. (really, you do) Don't be forced to be someone you aren't. It can be unpleasant to feel like you can't participate in group discussions with your friends. I know the exact feeling.
Now don't get me wrong and start begrudging me. I'm not taking pride in not being mainstream. Some say that being not mainstream is too mainstream. Why can't they let people be who and what they want? So before you get any "I'm trying to be cool by not being mainstream" vibes from me, remember that I'm just a human who has emotions and blogs for the entertainment of others and myself.
That's all for today! Thank you for reading and I truly hope you enjoyed my post! Don't forget to follow me on Google +, keep updated on my posts and share my blog with your friends and family!
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Yours forever,
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
"If you change nothing, nothing changes."
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