Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
Hi everyone! If you're new to my blog welcome to Breakfast at Bridget's! To read my previous posts, just click on the links in the blog archive. Anyway, hi again! It's me (unfortunately) and today's post is about different personalities and whether you are an extrovert or an introvert. Before I continue, I must deeply apologise for not posting for 2 weeks. I'm super sorry and I promise to make it up to you! Assessments are coming and I'm stressed out, trying to juggle out blogging and studying. So if I don't post so often, please remain a loyal reader! You guys are the best! Thank you for over 1700 views!
Most people believe an extrovert is an outgoing, socially confident person. While that may be true, that is not the true meaning of extroversion. An extrovert is someone who is energized by around other people. This is the opposite of an introvert who is energized by being alone. What many people don't realise is that an extrovert can also be shy. Shyness is another name for social anxiety. An introvert is a shy, reticent person. The innate qualities that most introverts share are a love of introspection, a need for solitude, and a slower, more focused communication style. But don't be fooled, for an extrovert might be introverted or an introvert might be extroverted too.
Anyway, I'm an extrovert for sure but sometimes can be introverted. But that's a rare sight to see. Recently, my friend told me to do the "16 personalities" test. It is a personality test that you complete then receive concrete, accurate description of who you are and why you do things the way you do. It is also free! On this site, you can discover your strengths and weaknesses (which are freakishly accurate), career paths that suit your personality, romantic relationships, friendships and more! I'll be linking it down below.
When I did the test for the first time, I didn't believe that an online test could decipher who I was. Although there were many questions, it was worth it. I am an ENTP-T: "The Debater". My strengths included being knowledgeable, original, energetic and a quick thinker. My weaknesses included being very argumentative, insensitive and finding it difficult to focus. Incredible! All those things are true!
My individual traits: extraverted - 74%, intuitive - 80%, thinking - 64%, prospecting - 72%, turbulent - 71% (i am emotionally unstable)
Role: analyst
Strategy: social engagement (very true)
16 personalities is a wonderful way to uncover more about yourself and your friends! Some of my friends are introverts and extremely insightful. Being with them is enjoyable and fun and I learn new things from them every time. Extrovert, introvert, it doesn't matter. Help each other unlock each others potential! You never know what you're capable of.
16 Personalities Test:
So what personality are you? Comment below what you are!
Anyway, that's all for today! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post! Remember to follow my blog by clicking the follow button on the side, keep updated on my posts and share my blog with others! I love you all! 💕
Yours forever,
Brianna Fong
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"What worries you, masters you."
Most people believe an extrovert is an outgoing, socially confident person. While that may be true, that is not the true meaning of extroversion. An extrovert is someone who is energized by around other people. This is the opposite of an introvert who is energized by being alone. What many people don't realise is that an extrovert can also be shy. Shyness is another name for social anxiety. An introvert is a shy, reticent person. The innate qualities that most introverts share are a love of introspection, a need for solitude, and a slower, more focused communication style. But don't be fooled, for an extrovert might be introverted or an introvert might be extroverted too.
Anyway, I'm an extrovert for sure but sometimes can be introverted. But that's a rare sight to see. Recently, my friend told me to do the "16 personalities" test. It is a personality test that you complete then receive concrete, accurate description of who you are and why you do things the way you do. It is also free! On this site, you can discover your strengths and weaknesses (which are freakishly accurate), career paths that suit your personality, romantic relationships, friendships and more! I'll be linking it down below.
When I did the test for the first time, I didn't believe that an online test could decipher who I was. Although there were many questions, it was worth it. I am an ENTP-T: "The Debater". My strengths included being knowledgeable, original, energetic and a quick thinker. My weaknesses included being very argumentative, insensitive and finding it difficult to focus. Incredible! All those things are true!
My individual traits: extraverted - 74%, intuitive - 80%, thinking - 64%, prospecting - 72%, turbulent - 71% (i am emotionally unstable)
Role: analyst
Strategy: social engagement (very true)
16 personalities is a wonderful way to uncover more about yourself and your friends! Some of my friends are introverts and extremely insightful. Being with them is enjoyable and fun and I learn new things from them every time. Extrovert, introvert, it doesn't matter. Help each other unlock each others potential! You never know what you're capable of.
16 Personalities Test:
Anyway, that's all for today! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post! Remember to follow my blog by clicking the follow button on the side, keep updated on my posts and share my blog with others! I love you all! 💕
Yours forever,
Brianna Fong
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"What worries you, masters you."
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