I'm outdated?

Hi everyone! If you're new to my blog, welcome to Breakfast at Bridget's! To read my previous posts, just click on the links in the blog archive. Anyway, hi again! It's me (unfortunately) and according to my friends, I'm outdated.

(BTW: this post is not supposed to offend anybody.)

Why am I called outdated, you must be wondering? One of my best friends, Ole, calls me "Grandma". I don't find it offensive, I find it...INSULTING. Kidding, it's fine by me. I mean being a Grandma has it's positives. It means I experienced many things, I have wisdom, I've lived, loved, enjoyed life. I DON'T SEE YOU TWEENS BEING ADVENTUROUS. Only being adventurous online: new posts, tweeting, instagramming, snapchatting, facebooking, tumblring....I don't think these are proper words. SEE WHAT I MEAN?

But I must admit, I do find images for presentations from tumblr. They are just so beautiful! EVEN A GRANDMA HAS TASTE. BOOM CLAP THE SOUND OF MY HEART, THE BEAT GOES ON AND ON AND ON AND ON...Anyway, how did the whole 'outdated' thing even begin? Good question. To be honest, I don't really remember (I have a good memory though).

I think it was because I didn't know some abbreviated words such as m8. Like if you spelt that out it would be m-eight. Weird. And that only recently discovered the song, "Low"...you know "Apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur....*don't the know rest of the lyrics*" But it's the same thing as people not knowing MOONLIGHT SONATA BY BEETHOVEN. Like THAT IS A CLASSIC. Wait it's not the same, correction. IT'S WORSE. Feel ashamed.

Now, next time before calling me "oldie", "Grandma", "ancient", "medieval", think about yourself. The things you do today. Are they acceptable in society? Society has changed. And so have you. So do a double check before speaking, won't you? Keep that noted.

Well that's all for today! I hope you enjoyed this post. I'm sorry for not posting for so long. Assessments has been keeping me pretty occupied! Comment below if you are ever called 'outdated, share this blog with your friends and family and keep updated on my posts!

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"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do."
