Revealing my real name!
Hi everyone! If you're new to my blog, welcome to Breakfast at Bridget's! To read my previous posts, just click on the links in the blog archive. Anyway, hi again! It's me (unfortunately) and today's post is all about me!
As a viewer, you probably don't know much about me, except from reading "About Me". That was pretty generic information. But the thing is, Bridget is not my name...
I know, I know. SCANDALOUS. HORRIFIC. ASTONISHING. JAW-DROPPING. If you read my latest post, "No offense but...", you would of heard that I am currently creating a new blog called ephemeral halloway. If you did click into it and browsed through it, you would of discovered more about me, including my real name....which I'm not going to tell.
You can find out by clicking into my blog! Yep, you may be thinking, "Wow, clickbait," but it's worth it. As a blogger, I don't really talk much about myself and my personal experiences. My posts are usually pretty general and everyone can relate to it. Well hopefully.
So now, I will share more things about me and if you have any questions you want to ask, please, please, do not be hesitant to comment! I haven't received a single comment. It's kind of depressing. So hint hint, please do comment, whether it's just saying hello or saying hi or just a random letter! Without further ado, let' about me!
--- (I am currently sipping from a Christmas-designed cup that I bought from Target for $3)
My name is Brianna Fong and I am an Australian. I was born on January the 9th (meaning my birthday is very soon!) and I am a Capricorn. My favourite colours include pastel, white and black. As you probably know, I love writing. Writing is my favourite pastime and I wish to become an author when I am older...just as a hobby/part time job. I am kind of a bookworm, I don't read everyday but I do enjoy reading and going to the library to borrow some books. Basically literature is my life. I play the piano (stopped doing grades and exams), the ukulele (self-learnt) and the harmonica (My Dad bought it from France and I self-learnt how to play).
I am an ABC, meaning Australian Born Chinese and I am proud. Proud as a...stork. Why did I start a blog? I don't know. My sister has a blog and I suppose I became jealous (that was the first stage), I wanted to do something that the public could view and I could encompass my love for writing and humour into it! So blogging was potentially the best option for me.
It took me a while to choose a name for my blog because I wanted it to be kinda cool but not so cool that people would be like: "Woah, mate. Too much, too much. Tone it down a tad, will ya?", or so lame that people would be like: "The heck is this blog? Where is the exit button?", or something that didn't make sense...the list goes on. The book and movie Breakfast at Tiffany's inspired me: well obviously. How else does it explain that my blog name is Breakfast at Bridget's? Many people often asked me, "Why did you name it Bridget? It's not even your real name!"
Me: *_* Shh! Be quiet.
So many times I had to explain that Brianna didn't sound as good and smooth as Bridget. Anyway, I love peaches and mangoes. I just simply adore fruit. Christmas is my favourite season. I love seeing people, random people putting up Christmas lights on their balconies or front door and turning them on at night. It just makes me feel...happy and alive. Crazy chemical reaction or what?
Have I ever mentioned that I am obsessed with Harry Potter? I might have forgotten that.
Well that's all for today! I hope you enjoyed this post! Sorry for not updating for a while! Don't forget to follow me on Google +, please comment (I think some comments are overdue...), share my blog with others and keep updated on my blog!
If you can guess the reference I made that is in bold, comment below and you shall be rewarded somehow!
Bridget (hem hem)
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"Life was like a box of chocolate. You never know what you're gonna get."
(If you can guess where this quote came from, I will give you a virtual high-five and a shout out next time - comment below with your name and guess!)
As a viewer, you probably don't know much about me, except from reading "About Me". That was pretty generic information. But the thing is, Bridget is not my name...
I know, I know. SCANDALOUS. HORRIFIC. ASTONISHING. JAW-DROPPING. If you read my latest post, "No offense but...", you would of heard that I am currently creating a new blog called ephemeral halloway. If you did click into it and browsed through it, you would of discovered more about me, including my real name....which I'm not going to tell.
You can find out by clicking into my blog! Yep, you may be thinking, "Wow, clickbait," but it's worth it. As a blogger, I don't really talk much about myself and my personal experiences. My posts are usually pretty general and everyone can relate to it. Well hopefully.
So now, I will share more things about me and if you have any questions you want to ask, please, please, do not be hesitant to comment! I haven't received a single comment. It's kind of depressing. So hint hint, please do comment, whether it's just saying hello or saying hi or just a random letter! Without further ado, let' about me!
--- (I am currently sipping from a Christmas-designed cup that I bought from Target for $3)
My name is Brianna Fong and I am an Australian. I was born on January the 9th (meaning my birthday is very soon!) and I am a Capricorn. My favourite colours include pastel, white and black. As you probably know, I love writing. Writing is my favourite pastime and I wish to become an author when I am older...just as a hobby/part time job. I am kind of a bookworm, I don't read everyday but I do enjoy reading and going to the library to borrow some books. Basically literature is my life. I play the piano (stopped doing grades and exams), the ukulele (self-learnt) and the harmonica (My Dad bought it from France and I self-learnt how to play).
I am an ABC, meaning Australian Born Chinese and I am proud. Proud as a...stork. Why did I start a blog? I don't know. My sister has a blog and I suppose I became jealous (that was the first stage), I wanted to do something that the public could view and I could encompass my love for writing and humour into it! So blogging was potentially the best option for me.
It took me a while to choose a name for my blog because I wanted it to be kinda cool but not so cool that people would be like: "Woah, mate. Too much, too much. Tone it down a tad, will ya?", or so lame that people would be like: "The heck is this blog? Where is the exit button?", or something that didn't make sense...the list goes on. The book and movie Breakfast at Tiffany's inspired me: well obviously. How else does it explain that my blog name is Breakfast at Bridget's? Many people often asked me, "Why did you name it Bridget? It's not even your real name!"
Me: *_* Shh! Be quiet.
So many times I had to explain that Brianna didn't sound as good and smooth as Bridget. Anyway, I love peaches and mangoes. I just simply adore fruit. Christmas is my favourite season. I love seeing people, random people putting up Christmas lights on their balconies or front door and turning them on at night. It just makes me feel...happy and alive. Crazy chemical reaction or what?
Have I ever mentioned that I am obsessed with Harry Potter? I might have forgotten that.
Well that's all for today! I hope you enjoyed this post! Sorry for not updating for a while! Don't forget to follow me on Google +, please comment (I think some comments are overdue...), share my blog with others and keep updated on my blog!
If you can guess the reference I made that is in bold, comment below and you shall be rewarded somehow!
Bridget (hem hem)
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"Life was like a box of chocolate. You never know what you're gonna get."
(If you can guess where this quote came from, I will give you a virtual high-five and a shout out next time - comment below with your name and guess!)
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